Tonkunstler Box Office in Vienna

«Niederösterreich Kultur» has an important meeting-place in the heart of Vienna: the Tonkunstler Box Office in Herrengasse 10.


Herrengasse 10
1010 Wien, Austria
T: +43 1 586 83 83
F: +43 1 587 64 92

Opening hours

Tuesday to Friday from 9.00 am - 5.30 pm

Here for you

Inga Freuis (Head)
Tijana Adamovic
Sylvia Bestenlehner
Sonja Hanl
Melanie Hochwart
Myriam Khouri
Romana Köstler
Annemarie Nocker
Elisabeth Offenthaler
Kerstin Pachschwöll
Pia Ruthensteiner
Lea Schwarz
Martina Wagerer

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